Peggy Maddox
Professional Certified Educator
Kids on the Land, Inc.
Peggy has a background in ranching and education. She taught public school 17 years, prior to joining Holistic Management International in 2002. Peggy and her husband, Joe, were managers of the Holistic Management International Learning Site outside of Ozona, Texas, for ten years. While there, she founded a program called Kids On the Land, which has spread from one school district in 2003 to 10 school districts across Texas. Forming partnerships with schools, landowners, government agencies, and volunteers, the program has hosted over 8,000 Texas elementary school children. The mission, for the 501c3 organization, is “Kids On the Land is a unique STEM environmental program designed to teach children about the region where they live, connecting them to the land and a more sustainable future.” She and her family have practiced the principles of Holistic Management on their family ranches since 1986. She has been a Holistic Management Certified Educator since 2004. Living on their own land outside of Hermleigh, Texas, she and Joe now have their own herd of cattle and market their animals as grass fed.