Ralph Tate
Professional Certified Educator
All Things Natural
I became an HMI Certified Educator in 2010 and have a passion for teaching Intro, Financial Planning, Grazing Planning, and Biological Monitoring. I developed a software version of the grazing plan and enjoy helping stockmen learn how to use the tool. I am very comfortable in teaching introductory, financial, grazing planning, and biological monitoring classes. I especially enjoy financial and grazing planning because it is always exciting when participants see what they can personally achieve by applying the principles. I custom graze cattle on a quarter section in south-central Nebraska where I have the opportunity to apply Holistic Management principles for myself. I am constantly amazed at nature's complexity and resilience. What a privilege it is for me to work with nature.
My Notes:I look forward to helping in whatever capacity is needed. I have conducted classes, pasture walks, farm tours, and provided consultations.