June 17, 2017 Bunchgrass Flat Waukomis, Oklahoma
is part of HMI’s
Open Gates are peer-to-peer action-based learning days with short presentations and small group exercises geared for participants to share discoveries and management techniques with guidance from experienced facilitators and producers.
Learn how Holistic Management enables producers to better manage risk, make better decisions and enjoy the benefits of regenerative agriculture
Practice effective land management techniques to improve rangeland productivity, water-holding capacity, improved soil health and increased stocking rate.
Discover how Holistic Management Planned Grazing improves the soil and moves plant succession in the right direction
Discuss key soil health indicators, how to read the land and record monitoring results
Explore and identify key plants that help produce results and advance you toward your goals
Connect with folks from your area
Meet your public agencies and hear how their programs might apply to your situation
Learn about nutrient dense foods from nutrient dense soils and enjoy a lunch of food from this land
Practice these techniques and meet with producers who have practiced these techniques
Thank you to the generous support of our Sponsors for helping to make this day possible:
Please Help Us Grow
mission is to educate people in regenerative agriculture for healthy land and thriving communities. We have helped farmers and ranchers in 130 countries learn and practice Holistic Management for the past 3 decades. You can read some of their
to learn how Holistic Management has changed their lives and impacted their land. As a non-profit organization, HMI is always grateful for donations in support of our mission. You can help regenerate land for healthy food and healthy lives with many giving options including scholarships for farmer/rancher training.