Over 50 agricultural producers and educators attended the Dollars & Sense Workshop in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on August 9-10th. This two-day workshop was focused on introducing key components of Holistic Management to participants including farm and ranch goal setting and decision-making, biological monitoring, and grazing planning. Instructors included Ann Adams, Frank Aragona, and Kirk Gadzia. In attendance also was a strong contingent from the Oklahoma Young Farmers Alliance. In the evening, long-time rancher Wally Olson led a session on Bud Williams livestock marketing.
Thanks to Kim Barker and Wally Olson of the Oklahoma Land Stewardship Alliance for their efforts in organizing this event. Thanks also to sponsors, Dixon Water Foundation, Oklahoma Grazing Land Conservation Association, and American Farmers and Ranchers.
If you work with farmers, ranchers, and land stewards that would benefit from training in Holistic Management whole farm planning, please contact us today about organizing a workshop in your area.
Participants were asked to rate their knowledge of specific topics before and after the workshop. The average rate of knowledge change was significant.