A 3-Day Advanced I Workshop Presented by Neal Kinsey of Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc.
January 20 – 22, 2020
The Delta King, Sacramento, CA.
$1500/if one person per room
Cost includes program & lunch daily, plus full breakfast and accommodations at the Delta King Riverboat Hotel, Sunday-Tuesday night.
$1200 per person includes all of the above if two attendees per room
Course only including lunch and breaks – $900 for clients of Kinsey Agricultural Services, or $1200 for non-clients
This course features 100 new and different examples of winegrape soils from the various countries and grape-growing areas of the world including the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa.
All samples have been analyzed using the Kinsey/Albrecht System of soil analysis; course features specific tests to establish desired nutrient levels for winegrape production. The basic foundation for determining each nutrient required to achieve excellent soil fertility is provided as a specific formula. Each formula is expressed and completely explained by subject covered, and is included as a handout in each participant’s workbook, thus providing how to calculate answers for each example used for the course.
Day 1 - Using Soil Tests to Evaluate Needs for Grapes
Soils for Winegrapes
Soil pH
Evaluating Liming Materials
Calcium - Medium to Heavy Soils
Magnesium - Medium to Heavy Soils
Calcium and Magnesium on Sandy Soils
Day 2 - Building Vineyard Feretility / the Major Nutrients
Nitrogen and Sulfur
P & K needs
Evaluating Excesses
Day 3 - Vineyard Soils, Grapes, & Micronutrient Needs
Boron, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc - Excessive to Deficient
Preparing New Vineyard Soils
Nutrient LEvels in Treated vs Untreated Soils
Kinsey Agricultural Services, Inc., 573 683-3880 or 683-4800 www.kinseyag.com
On Thursday, Jan. 23, there will be an optional tour for course participants who would like to visit area vineyards utilizing our testing and fertilization program. Soil tests showing initial fertility levels and current changes will be utilized. This provides an opportunity to see and ask questions of growers concerning their use of the program. Tour from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Soil pit demo weather permitting. Cost: (includes lunch). $150 each for course participant & family members. $350-includes tour plus one night’s lodging. $250 (tour only) for all others. Learn more at: www.kinseyag.com/Courses.html