Want to learn how to double your production while triple cropping and improving soil health? Interested in learning about a Midwestern farmer who is doing right by the land and bringing up children who are interested in farming and understand how agriculture can be regenerative?
This video is an inspiration to watch as Kevin Fulton shares how he is practicing Holistic Management and how his grain crop was twice the yield of his neighbors. He was then able to graze livestock on the forage that came up after that cash crop. While the cattle were grazing that forage, he spread turnip seed which they planted for him with their hooves and fertilized with their dung and urine. The result was a forage crop of turnips that the cattle could graze all winter long. In contrast, his neighbors can only grow one cash crop because they have sterilized the soil with all their pesticides and herbicides. Not only do his neighbors not have the opportunity to earn more profit through multiple crops that would help keep them in the business, these practices also lead to more bare ground over more of the year, which means that there is less carbon sequestered in the soil and more opportunity for soil erosion.
But Kevin's innovative practices have increased the profitability of his business and provided multiple ecosystem services for his community. When he's not actually farming, Kevin is busy presenting at various conferences around the country to help others learn how they can also practice regenerative agriculture. He also takes time to teach his children what he is doing and give them opportunity to become involved in the farm, bringing the next generation of regenerative farmers along.
Click here to read a case study about Fulton Farms at HMI's Success Stories page.
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