Grazing to Improve Soils and Pasture
(And Why That’s Good for the Consumer)
Join Derek & Kirrily Blomfield of the Conscious Farmer on August 31st near Caroona, NSW, Australia and a host of other presenters to learn how the Blomfields have used Holistic Management to improve land health and farm profitability while growing healthy food for their community.
You'll learn from Holistic Management Certified Educator Judi Earl about how good grazing practices can build soil and plant health. You'll also learn from Chook Kealey about the art of low-stress stockhandling and how this practice makes a difference for animal health and well-being as well as the financial bottom line for the farm. You'll also hear about the great regenerative agriculture practices that are making a difference to the local land and community with presentations by the Blomfields and Bridget Gallagher from the Liverpool Plains Land Management Association.
Best of all you'll have an opportunity to network with other people interested in this important issues and topics. Register now!
Did you know when you donate to HMI you are helping to create healthy food for your family and healthy soil?Please consider giving today.