We’ve just tabulated more results of our Beginning Farmers & Ranchers: Women in the Northeast & Texas program. These are from the 2013-2014 season in New York. This program, funded by a grant from the
USDA/NIFA Beginning Farmer/Rancher Development Program, was coordinated by Sarah Williford of Central New York RC&D. This group finished their Holistic Management learning sessions in April and their final farm mentor visits in July. Lead instructors were Holistic Management Certified Educators Phil Metzger, Erica Frenay, and Elizabeth Marks. Additional instructors included Crystal Stewart. Mentors for the program were Tricia Park, Kylie Spooner, Rebeca Torres Rose, and Amie Collins
Demographic Information
Of the 9 participants who completed the final survey:
8 are currently farming
The average years of farming was 4 years
The average acres under production was 55 acres under production
The average age was 47 years old
The types of farm operations were as follows: Cattle/Cow/Calf (2), Vegetable/Fruit/Produce (3), Poultry (1), Pigs (1), Sheep (1), Dairy (1), Honey (1), Hay (2), Education (1), Hops (1).
The total customers of all participants: 107
100% of participants intend to keep farming
If you are a beginning women farmer in the Northeast, or know someone that is, be sure to check out our
as we are now accepting applications for the upcoming season. You can find out statistical details from the program