Holistic Management has many tools and planning and monitoring aids that can assist you in your journey to be a better manager, land steward, employer, and family member.
We have many invaluable aids to help you execute grazing plans and achieve livestock production goals. Our forage assessment tools enable you to match available forage with animal numbers no matter what the growing conditions. What a stress reliever! The Holistic Financial Planning tools provide practical steps to decide on enterprise selection and the correct timing of investment decisions. These tools all offer great value in terms of improved returns on investment, appropriate investment timing, and stress relief.
Critically, they offer lead indicator monitoring to ensure that the management decisions you make are actually doing what you intended them to do. Monitoring and making corrections at the earliest opportunity will also save money, stress, and time.
By attending a workshop that covers all these aspects you will gain a perspective of how all these planning and feedback components fit together. We encourage you to consider how you plan on investing in your most valuable resource: you and your people!
I highly recommend attending an in-person workshop. You will be so glad you invested the time!
Kirk Gadzia, Linda Long & I will be co-presenting a 5-day workshop outside Albuquerque NM on November 7 -11. It will be a great opportunity to gain perspective on all that Holistic Management has to offer from trainers who have great practical knowledge and experience.
You will walk away knowing how to put together a grazing plan and a holistic financial plan that passes testing questions to lead to the outcome you and your family want to achieve.
What better investment could you make?