Five Day Workshop with HMI Certified Educators Kirk Gadzia and Wayne Knight
Including a Special Tour of Santa Ana Pueblo Rangelands
Prairie Star
288 Prairie Star Rd
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004
November 7-11, 2022
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM MST
By popular demand – getting back to the basics of Holistic Management®!
Few people in the Regenerative Agriculture space have had broader exposure or more hands-on experience than well-known Holistic Management student, educator, and mentor Kirk Gadzia.
Our 5-day workshop aims to present the Holistic Management curriculum that will ground participants in a complete package with components that depend on and fit together for optimal ranch success. To complement Kirk’s facilitation, ranchers Wayne Knight and Linda Pechin-Long will add to the experience from their knowledge and practice of using Holistic Management in their operations.
Here’s what you can expect when you attend the Holistic Management® in Practice workshop:
- Discover some of the wonderful opportunities and satisfaction in improving your land and your financial situation from people who have used the tools and mentored thousands of producers to envision their futures and live the lives they want
- Learn how working with nature in harmony with the values you aspire to is possible and achievable using the principles outlined in this workshop
- Leave with a realistic list of priorities and actions to begin your journey
- Meet like-minded individuals who can become part of your community of practice
- Learn about tools and techniques to understand the interaction between animals, plant recovery time and plant utilization.
- Discover the importance of a shared goal that covers all that is important to the business in the present and into the future, and how to use this shared goal to select the best tools and investments
- Leave with a deeper understanding of healthy ecosystem function and the critical role of animals and soils in improving water uptake and storage for more sunlight capture and more plant diversity
Welcome and Introduction of HMI and HMI Certified Educators |
Understanding ecosystem function |
How to make rainfall more effective |
How to observe land and determine the impact of management on the health of the ecosystem process and how this determines long-term profitability and resilience |
Identify belief systems or paradigms that may block progress and how to change them |
Learn how to manage livestock’s impacts to positively affect land health |
Integrating the entire resource under management – finances, people, land, and animals to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes |
Review the Holistic Decision-Making process |
Review of Day 1 |
Goal setting for business, family, and individuals – begin with the end in mind |
Defining and developing a holistic goal/context that includes people, money, animals, and land health |
The team approach and organizational development principles |
Defining and detailing the tools available to manage the ecosystem: Rest, Fire, Grazing, Animal Impact, Living Organisms, and Technology and the implications of using these tools on risk and desired outcomes |
Monitoring the health of the land, how to know if the land is improving or deteriorating |
Using Animal Days per Acre (ADAs) to estimate production and forage reserves |
Recording monitoring results in photo-points and data transects |
Monitoring growth rates of grazed plants to determine adequate recovery periods |
Day 3
Review of Day 2 and Q&A |
Overview of Holistic Goal and Decision-Testing |
Testing tools to ensure they will be correctly used to achieve your whole goal |
Presentation by Dan Ginter, Santa Ana Pueblo Department of Natural Resources |
SITE VISIT: Santa Ana Pueblo to observe water cycle, mineral cycle, community dynamics, and energy flow process.
a. Reading the land. Responding appropriately to what the land is expressing. **Note – field trip timing will depend on weather. |
Day 4
Review of Day 3 |
Defining wealth and wealth sources relative to goals |
The psychological aspects of profit |
How to plan for a profit and why most people are actually planning to be unprofitable |
Gross Profit Analysis – evaluating the health of each enterprise |
Understanding Stock Flow and herd size considerations |
Creating new wealth from “solar” dollars – unlocking the benefits of working with nature |
How to monitor and control your plan to achieve profitability |
Dealing with tax consequences, depreciation, and replacement |
Case study review and principle applications |
Day 5
Plan to grow the maximum amount of forage with available rainfall |
How to coordinate grazing plans with wildlife, recreation, forestry, and other land uses |
How to handle poisonous plants, erosion, brush encroachment, and other problems in the grazing planning process |
Figure out how your environment responds to animal density, plant recovery time, and depth of graze in a low-risk, low-cost way |
How to best meet livestock nutrition and other needs in a grazing plan |
Use the step-by-step biological planning procedure to produce both dormant and growing season grazing plans |
Complete program evaluation, review, and Q&A |
Planning priorities and identifying obstacles to implementation |
agenda is subject to change
Regenerative Agriculture on the Pueblo of Santa Ana
$1,250 – 1st ticket
$950 – 2nd ticket for farm/ranch partner
use promo code HMIP2 to purchase 2nd ticket at discounted price
- Includes full five-day training with two expert Educators
- Includes lunch all five days
- Lodging, breakfast and dinner are the responsibility of the participant
- Full and partial scholarships are available
Scholarship Application Deadline: October 24, 2022
Registration deadline: November 1, 2022
COVID-19 Policy:
Please note, the format and/or requirements for event attendance may change in light of shifting CDC and state public health guidelines. HMI will make every effort to communicate these changes in a timely fashion.
Media Policy:
By registering for this event, you hereby consent and agree that HMI has the right to take photographs, videotape, or digital recordings of you and to use these in any and all media, now or hereafter known, for HMI outreach and further consent that your name and identity may be revealed therein or by descriptive text or commentary.
Santa Ana Star Casino and Resort, 54 Jemez Canyon Dam Rd., Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004
You will need to make your own reservations but a special rate for the 5-day workshop has been established with the Santa Ana Star Casino and Resort. Rooms are first come first served.
Call to make reservations: 1.844.466.2378. Use Code 3122 to receive the special rate of $109 + tax/night.
Rooms must be reserved by October 22, 2022 when the block will close.
Kirk Gadzia – HMI Certified Educator, Consultant, and Resource Management Services, LLC Founder and Owner, Author
Resource Management Services, LLC is a New Mexico-based consulting, training and monitoring organization committed to assisting private and professional resource managers achieve sustainable results. The founder, Kirk Gadzia, is an HMI Certified Educator with over 20 years’ experience teaching the concepts of Holistic Management® worldwide. Combined with his extensive international consulting work on many agricultural operations, he is uniquely qualified to help you achieve your learning objectives.
Kirk is co-author of the important National Academy of Sciences book: Rangeland Health. He holds a BS degree in Wildlife Biology and an MS degree in Range Science. Kirk works directly with producers to achieve profitability in their operations. He also provides customized training and consulting to a wide variety of conservation organizations. Years of assisting people on the land helps Kirk approach the course in an interactive, hands-on style. His courses are known for a relaxed atmosphere, open dialogue, and practical real-life examples.
Wayne Knight – HMI Certified Educator, HMI Executive Director, and Rancher
With 27 years of ranching experience using Holistic Management, Wayne has had an identity crisis. When he joined the 11,000-acre family ranching business he called himself a cattle rancher. He changed to calling himself a grass farmer. Later still, he called himself a soil-microbe farmer, though he has always marketed beef. Privileged to work with his father, Tom Knight, who was an early adopter of Holistic Management under Allan Savory – Stan Parsons consulting, Wayne enthusiastically increased and intensified the practices HMI teaches. He became a Certified Educator in 2006 and was actively involved with the Southern African CE community organization, Community Dynamics. He has spoken at numerous conferences in Southern Africa, trained and mentored farmers, hosted open days on his property, and has written about his positive results using Holistic Management.
Before joining the team at HMI Wayne served as a board member of the organization for 8 years. Through his enthusiasm for Holistic Management Wayne has traveled widely visiting farmers who practice high-density, long recovery grazing practices in Southern Africa, Australia, and the US. As a young graduate with a Science degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Natal, South Africa, he traveled across the US west working on ranches in Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, California, and New Mexico. When not involved in Holistic Management you will find him fishing, birding, hiking, or exploring wild spaces and places with his family. An enthusiastic traveler, hunter, and photographer, he loves discovering new places and making new friends.
Daniel Ginter – Range Program Manager of Pueblo of Santa Ana Department of Natural Resources
Daniel is an ecologist and field biologist with interests in habitat restoration, wildlife, and livestock management. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a Master’s degree in Wildlife Biology from New Mexico State University. Daniel’s work involves managing and improving the ecological and watershed health of the Pueblo’s rangelands through a wide variety of ongoing habitat restoration projects, and livestock, and wildlife management practices.
Thank You to Our Funder
Thank You to Our Collaborators
Scholarship funding support comes from the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation and ISA TanTec.